Since 1972, the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) has provided balanced, credible, science-based information about food and agriculture to policymakers, the media, the private sector, and the public.
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Friday Notes
This week we’re catching up with our 2014 Borlaug CAST Communication Award winner. Alison Van […]
Press Release
July 27, 2024 | Council for Agricultural Science and Technology—Ames, Iowa The Council for Agricultural […]
Since the end of the Second World War, the United States has pursued a national policy of an abundant and inexpensive food supply. Increased animal productivity has improved efficiencies of animal production and reduced the carbon footprint for production of meat, milk, and eggs. Some components of the technologies employed by animal producers to improve efficiency of animal production include improved nutrition and reproduction; advances in genetics; and health and management practices; as well as feed additives, hormonal treatments, and growth enhancing technologies (GETs).
ssr节点购买网址This paper examines the many economic factors and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on the agriculture sector.
Read moreTechnology is a key enabler of more efficient agricultural production as growers attempt to meet the cost-effective need for increased food, fiber, and bioenergy, while managing limited inputs, conserving valuable natural resources, and protecting environmental quality. Each new pest management technology (weed, insect, disease) developed brings a number of benefits and risks—environmental, health, resistance—that must be considered and managed through effective stewardship practices to ensure that benefits are fully realized while risks are minimized.
2021还能用的梯子Press Release: May 12, 2024…Council for Agricultural Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa The Council for […]
Read moreSS 最佳的替伕品,从 0 开始部署 v2ray 梯子(1) - Linux ...:2021-3-27 · 2021年03月27日 09:38:22 标签云 linux nginx 运维宝典 k8s kubernetes Centos7 shell zabbix docker v2ray vultr ss mysql ansible gitlab 梯子 手动回滚 自动化发布 jenkins ap java jdk8 linux基础 centos 网络 lnmp ac python graylog php7
CAST is a very important organization with the distinction of being the united scientific objective voice for agriculture science and technology. This indeed is one of the most powerful positions to provide benefits to public policy and society at large. I am pleased to support CAST and have long been a big fan. Keep up the good work!
I believe where the interdisciplinary research intersects with policy, media, and real-world applications is truly where science moves the world forward. I believe CAST provides the unique opportunity to have these important conversations with interdisciplinary experts and establish the professional networks needed to develop my science communication skills even further.